Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Hello Happy [almost] Spring! 
Some of you may have noticed I haven't blogged in awhile and some of you may have noticed that I have switched back to my old blog! I tried to use the blog connected with my website, but in the end this one is an oldie but a goodie! So I am blogging back here! 
Last week I was lucky enough to go to SC for spring break and although it was only 40 degrees most of the time it was still a nice week away. 
Now that I am back from break I am super excited for spring to come and outdoor photo shoots to begin! I am hoping to start shooting outside as soon as all of this snow/water disappear! 
I am so motivated and on top of things right now! I have also made some business decision that will make Chelsea Dale Photography that much better! The best addition to CDP this winter would have to be my new camera! I am in love with it, and I finally got a chance to take it out while I was on vacation and play with it! I love being able to take photos for fun! So my boyfriend and I put on our coats and we walked down to the beach were we froze and took photos until I couldn't feel my fingers any longer. You would think living in Michigan I would be used to shooting in colder weather, but the breeze on the beach was a lot colder than we would have liked it to be! 

So in hopes to bring a little warmth to your home, here are some photos from my vacation! 

He was brave enough to get in... later in the week he threw me in too, but unfortunately we do not have any photos of that!