Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Riley's Turning 1

I can't believe it's already been a year since this beautiful baby was born! I knew right away what I wanted to do for her 1st birthday shoot! I knew I had to get a cake from Leesh's Pieces in Bay City. She has done cakes for me in the past and they are always amazing! Riley definitely enjoyed it. She even offered to share, right out of her toes! It must have been good because she stuck her whole face down into the cake. The shoot was so fun, and ended with Riley in the bathtub covered in cake! 
I can't believe how big she got over the past 5 months. 
Happy Birthday Riley Mae

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Chelsea Dale Photo Shoot

So something about me you may not have known is that I am terrible at taking pictures. I try and try to keep my eyes open, but I am actually really bad at it. Even on this day it was completely cloudy and I still had a problem. Thankfully my sister Amanda had some sort of patients this day because I have been dying to get in front of the camera, I have no recent pictures of myself and my about me page needs some. Plus you guys may just want to know what I look like if you didn't already! 
So my sister and I met in town and we took turns taking pictures of each other. My sister does have photography training and experience, but only does it for fun. She is always up to help me out though! So these photos were taken by her, but posed and edited by me. 
My puppy Mya even managed to sneak into a few! 
(too bad my eyes were closed in all the ones she looked cute in!) 
Alright well enjoy some photos of me, and stay tuned for Amanda's pictures. 

I have baby Riley coming back to the studio today.. I can't believe she is almost 1! I still remember going to see her in the hospital when she was born like it was yesterday! I can't wait to see her she is getting so big and I am excited for this shoot today! 
Happy Sunday! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sisters Part 2

The McCullen sisters are back and as fun as ever. I love shooting these two. They are so easy going and fun to work with. I originally shot them back in April as a surprise for their mom & what was supposed to be an outdoor shoot then ended up being an outdoor monsoon of rain followed by an indoor shoot. So we did a rain check and finally got out into a field. The field was a bit difficult to maneuver around, we all got pricked by a bush at least once. Even though it was a little bit on the colder side I am overly happy with how these turned out. I hope this isn't my last chance to capture these two! 

It's good to be back in Saginaw and booking full time! I still have a few mini session slots open this weekend. Call me ASAP if you are interested in getting something before the weekend is over. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

CDP's newest face

Meet Chelsea Dale Photography's newest face
Yup that's right I bought a puppy! 
She is 9 1/2 weeks old. 
Since she is a husky she loves to sleep in cold places she can be found sleeping under the kitchen counter on the tile floor, on top of the air condition vent, or standing as close to an open fridge as possible. 
Today was one of the colder days we have had since she came home and if I would have let her I think she would have been happy just sitting outside all day. I can't wait to see how well she handles the winter. 

In other news: I am back in Freeland full time now. My summer of working in Traverse City was amazing, but it was time to come home. Although I will miss my view and the downtown shopping I am glad to be back. I have 3 sessions this week and I can't wait to meet up with the clients! 

I am also starting to book up my fall slots, and now that I am back full time my schedule is completely open 7 days a week. I can't wait to be shooting more this fall! 

Enough about me now onto my photos of Mya! 
Enjoy her blue eyes! 

P.S. I couldn't end this blog without sending a little shout out to my parents. 
Have a great anniversary tomorrow! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

12 facts

I have decided that I want to do a Top 12 Facts about Me (Chelsea Dale) 
& if you have ever looked in my purse you will understand why I chose candy to be the picture of this post! Maybe this will let you get to know me (as a photographer & a person) a little better. 

1. I have a brand new puppy I named her Mya & my family calls her everything but Mya! 
(pictures of her coming soon) 
2. I grew up in Saginaw, I spent the summer in Traverse City, but I am back in the area and ready to shoot
3. I love playing in photoshop 
4. Etsy is the biggest time-passer for me after facebook & twitter
5. I love playing tetris 
6. My bookcase is full of antique camera (I love antiquing) 
7. I love looking at a picture and thinking "wow I really did that, that's beautiful" but not in a  conceited way, in a I am proud of myself way 
8. Dale is in fact my middle name and I was named after the doctor that delivered me (don't worry he was a close family friend too, my parents aren't that weird) 
9. I love taking pictures of people, if I could convince all of my friends to model for me I would photograph all of them. 
10. I am a Nikon Girl  
11. I love finding cool new locations 
12. My birthday is May 12th so 12 is my favorite number & if I ever do a contest that wants you to guess a number there is a 99.9% chance the answer is 12