Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saginaw Valley State University Pom Pon

I was beyond lucky to be asked to shoot the SVSU Pom Team photos this year! It was a great day with these ladies! We found the perfect place on campus to do the shoot and the weather was awesome! 
Thanks Again to their awesome coach Michelle for giving me this opportunity and thank you to all of you ladies for being so cooperative! We had a great time working with you all! 

Owen {Senior}

Owen is a Senior at Everest Collegiate in Clarkston, MI 
I had a great time shooting Owen and working with him and his mom all day. 
They showed me around town as well as where he goes to school, we even found some pretty cool spots to shoot on the schools property! 
I give Owen a lot of credit for wearing a sweater without complaining once because we had one of the most beautiful days to shoot! 
I am happy I had the opportunity to shoot his senior picture! 
Thanks Again Owen! 

Monday, October 14, 2013


It was such a joy to shoot Estee and Aria once again. It has been amazing watching these two beauties grow each year. 
Thank you Clare for allowing me to shoot the girls once again!